Update Card balance
/api/v0/partner/enKashCard/balanceThis API allows to update the balance of the card. It facilitates real-time adjustments to the card's available funds, ensuring accurate financial transactions and balance management.
Provide your bearer token in the Authorization header when making requests to protected resources.
PartnerID shared during sign-up
Unique EnKash Company ID. This is the ID assigned to a company onboarded on the EnKash platform.
Unique EnKash Account ID. This is the ID assigned to the account created under the company.
Transaction created by user.
Amount greater than 1
As it is update balance request type should be CR. On this card DR is not allowed.
Description for the transaction.
Type should be LOAD_MONEY.
Transaction code should be PRINCIPLE
External reference number for the load money transaction.
Remarks for the transaction
Unique identifier for the EnKash card.
"companyId": "string",
"cardAccountId": "string",
"createdBy": "string",
"amount": 0.01,
"transactionType": "DR",
"description": "string",
"type": "SALE",
"transactionCode": "PRINCIPLE",
"uniqueReferenceNumber": "string",
"remarks": "string",
"enKashCardId": "string"
Request samples